It seems that Saly Berisha has declared war on theUS.

The State Department today rejected theaccusations made in Albania by former PrimeMinister Saly Berishaagainst US Ambassador YuriKim, the Balkan Periscope reports.

Responding to a question from Voice of America-VOA about former Prime Minister Saly Berishasallegationsagainst Ambassador Yuri Kim that she isacting like a governor in Albania and supportingPrime Minister EdiRama, State Departmentspokesman Ned Price said thatWashington isconcerned about the unwarrantedattacks on ourambassador in Tirana. These ugly attacks do notrepresent the Albanian people. ”

The United States,” the spokesman further stresses, “values relations with the Albanian people and nextyearwe will celebrate the 100th anniversary of theestablishment of relations between the twocountries.
Our relations,” the spokesman concludes, “havesurvived communism and dictatorship because ofour sharedcommitment to democracy and mutualrespect.

The day before, the declarednon gratafrom theUSA, Saly Berisha attacked the headquarters oftheDemocratic Party, at the same time as theDemocratic leader Basha was holding a meeting.

From there, Berisha, who was the head of theReconstitutiongroup, said that when he takes overthe DPleadership, he will have good relations withthe US, but only with an ambassador, not a governor, describingYuri Kim as a supporter of thegovernment.

However, members of the Democratic Party, through their messages, are dissociating themselvesfrom SalyBerisha who is trying to create ananti-Americanparty, as they say.