RIYADH: Saudi ambassador to Yemen Mohammed Al Jaber and his US counterpart Steven Fagin held a meeting on Tuesday to discuss the storage vessel FSO Safer, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

The pair stressed the importance of maintaining the decrepit tanker as soon as possible, which is a environmental risk to the ocean.

The pair also discussed support to Yemen’s leadership council as well as efforts to make the UN-sponsored truce a success, with the aim of reaching a permanent ceasefire.

The officials reiterated the need for the Houthis to unblock roads in Taiz.

The US ambassador praised the Kingdom’s efforts in Yemen, including the Kingdom’s provision of $10 million to support the UN plan to confront the threat posed by the stricken tanker.

He added that the US also provided $10 million to support the UN plan.

Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi announced a new presidential leadership council on April 7 and transferred his powers to it.

The eight-member body, which will be headed by Rashad Al-Alimi, has the authority to manage the state politically, militarily and on the security front.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE pledged a $3 billion grant to support the Yemeni economy, shortly after Hadi’s announcement.