RIYADH: The formation of a Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council has been welcomed around the Middle East, following its announcement by President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

Kuwait expressed full support for the new council and its efforts in carrying out its role in achieving its goals in Yemen, according to an official statement released via state news agency KUNA.

In a statement, Jordanian foreign ministry spokesperson Ambassador Haitham Abu Ful said that Jordan supported efforts to reach a political solution for the Yemeni crisis through the Gulf Cooperation Council initiative, the Yemeni Comprehensive National Dialogue Conference and the UN Security Council resolution No. 2216 to bring peace, safety and security in Yemen and end the suffering of its people.

Jordan also commended the economic support offered by Saudi Arabia and the UAE to support the Yemeni economy, alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people and to finance the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) announced by the United Nations.

Egypt and Bahrain also issued statements welcoming the decision to launch the council.

Saudi Arabia pledged $3 billion worth of aid for Yemen, with the money being used to help the country’s banking system, as well as development in the country and through the purchase of oil derivatives.

The money will be broken down into $2 billion support for the Yemeni central bank, offered jointly by Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

The Secretary General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit also welcomed the decision to form the council and delegate powers to the council.

He also called on all Yemeni parties to preserve the current truce, as a first step to engaging in serious negotiations to end the suffering of the Yemeni people, restore stability and security in the country.

The Secretary General of the GCC, Dr. Nayef Falah Mubarak Al-Hajraf, also praised the launch of the council and wished its leader Rashad Mohammed Al-Alim success in its goals, and he was joined by the heads of the Arab Parliament and Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).