Russian and Chinese naval forces have practiced search and liberation of a captured cargo ship during the Peaceful Sea 2022 naval exercise in the Arabian Sea, the Russian Defense Ministry’s press office said.

“The joint Russia-China exercise Peaceful Sea 2022 has taken place in the western part of the Arabian Sea… During the exercise, Russian ships in cooperation with Chinese naval forces performed tactical maneuvering and search operations on a captured cargo ship simulated by the Boris Butoma tanker. The sailors also practiced freeing the notional captured ship,”

Russian Defence Ministry

According to the press office, Russia was represented by a group of Pacific Fleet ships, including the Varyag missile cruiser, the Admiral Tributs large antisubmarine warfare ship, and the Boris Butoma large seagoing tanker. The Chinese naval forces included the Urumchi missile destroyer and the Taihu supply ship.

“The military sailors transferred a notional injured person from the Admiral Tributs to the Urumchi by helicopter. A [Kamov] Ka-27PS shipborne helicopter was involved in the operation,” the press office said.

The Defense Ministry said that the Pacific Fleet naval formation continued its long-distance voyage after the exercise.

It was reported earlier that the Pacific Fleet naval formation had departed for a long-distance cruise from Vladivostok in December 2021. The ships took part in the PASSEX Russia-India naval exercise and the CHIRU 2022 Russian-Chinese-Iranian drills.

Additional information about Peaceful Sea 2022

The primary focus of Peaceful Sea 2022 is anti-piracy efforts. The joint drill involved five naval vessels, ship-borne helicopters, and marines from both sides.

The participating Chinese and Russian ship formations practiced cooperative maneuvering, rescuing kidnapped ships, and airlift evacuation of the injured, all in the name of collaborative anti-piracy operations.

The drill has added to the meaning of China-comprehensive Russia’s strategic partnership of cooperation for a new era. The cooperative exercise provided the two fleets with valuable experience in carrying out integrated anti-piracy missions, as well as strengthened their capabilities in dealing with marine threats and ensuring the security of vital sea lines of communication.