Rumours of Turkish UAV Bayraktar TB2 crashing near Rhodes – Frogman searches

Wide mobilization of the Armed Forces is recorded since yesterday in the Dodecanese region, Greece.
Unconfirmed information reports that yesterday (15/2) a Turkish UAV Bayraktar TB2, which is the subject of a search and tracking operation conducted by the Greek Armed Forces, crashed in the sea area between Rhodes, Symi and Kos.
At first it was thought that “it was an aircraft crash” but supposedly later information “confirmed” that “it was a UAV“.
The Turks are conducting similar searches as the UAV is not calibrated in which area it has crashed.
Sources of the Greek Ministry of National Defence who spoke to pronews. gr and defencenet. gr, neither confirmed nor denied the whole mobilisation and its purpose.
However, since the whole episode is taking place, Turkish President R. T. Erdogan‘s statements regarding the immediate withdrawal of the Greek Armed Forces from the islands are certainly not irrelevant to the whole issue.
The Joint Chiefs of Defence should take an immediate position on the issue, which should have happened yesterday.