Israel: Growing number of “voices” calling for cooperation with Ankara and alternative to EastMed

Developments in the Eastern Mediterranean are not good for Greece, as there are more and more “voices” in Israel calling for a rapprochement with Turkey and an alternative solution for EastMed, i. e. a pipeline that would pass through Turkish territory.
The Israeli press argues that Israel should turn to new alternatives after the US decision to cancel EastMed, considering that “a ground for regional cooperation including Turkey should be created“, the Turkish Star newspaper reports.
With the withdrawal of US support for the planned EastMed project, the Israeli press is demanding that Israel turn to alternatives, including Turkey.
In fact, an analysis article was published entitled “It‘s time to recalculate the route“.
The article states that “the US decision should not surprise us given the reality of the situation, pointing out that the project faces significant challenges such as the technological planning of the gas pipeline‘s location, volatile energy prices, geopolitical conflicts, attitudes towards fossil fuels and the willingness of energy companies“.
In the Israeli article it was reported that the US pursued a strategy of stabilisation in the Eastern Mediterranean in order to contain the growing Chinese influence in the Indo-Pacific region
It was mentioned that the US decision on EastMed prompted Israel to consider an alternative project and that the possibility of cooperation with Turkey should be considered in the light of positive signals from Ankara!
Underlining that the situation in the exclusive economic zone in the Eastern Mediterranean is complex, the information indicates that a basis for regional cooperation, including with Turkey, in the field of gas exports should be established.
In Athens it must be understood that Israel is not the same Israel when Benjamin Netanyahu was Prime Minister.
Naftali Bennett has a different agenda.